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Thermocrinis minervae sp. nov., A Hydrogen and Sulfur-oxidizing, Thermophilic Member of the Aquificales from a Costa Rican Terrestrial Hot Spring
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
  • Sara L. Caldwell, Portland State University
  • Yitai Liu, Portland State University
  • Isabel Ferrera, Institut de Ciències del Mar-CMIMA
  • Terry Beveridge, University of Guelph
  • Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Thermophilic bacteria -- Costa Rica,
  • Water -- Microbiology,
  • Hot springs -- Costa Rica,
  • Thermophilic bacteria -- Phylogeny

A thermophilic bacterium, designated strain CR11T , was isolated from a filamentous sample collected from a terrestrial hot spring on the south-western foothills of the Rincón volcano in Costa Rica. The Gram-negative cells are approximately 2.4–3.9 mm long and 0.5–0.6 mm wide and are motile rods with polar flagella. Strain CR11T grows between 65 and 85 6C (optimum 75 6C, doubling time 4.5 h) and between pH 4.8 and 7.8 (optimum pH 5.9–6.5). The isolate grows chemolithotrophically with S0 , S2O2{ 3 or H2 as the electron donor and with O2 (up to 16 %, v/v) as the sole electron acceptor. The isolate can grow on mannose, glucose, maltose, succinate, peptone, Casamino acids, starch, citrate and yeast extract in the presence of oxygen (4 %) and S0 . Growth occurs only at NaCl concentrations below 0.4 % (w/v). The G+C content of strain CR11T is 40.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence places the strain as a close relative of Thermocrinis ruber OC 1/4T (95.7 % sequence similarity). Based on phylogenetic and physiological characteristics, we propose the name Thermocrinis minervae sp. nov., with CR11T (5DSM 19557T 5ATCC BAA-1533T ) as the type strain.


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Citation Information
Sara L. Caldwell, Yitai Liu, Isabel Ferrera, Terry Beveridge, et al.. "Thermocrinis minervae sp. nov., A Hydrogen and Sulfur-oxidizing, Thermophilic Member of the Aquificales from a Costa Rican Terrestrial Hot Spring" International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2010)
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