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Research related to the International Baccalaureate: An annotated bibliography of 2015 studies
  • Anna Dabrowski, The University of Melbourne
The following list attempts to chronicle research published on the International Baccalaureate (IB) throughout 2015. This document is meant to serve IB heads of schools, coordinators, teachers, employees and others in the IB community, and also researchers in the field. Descriptions of the individual pieces of research are intended to provide a brief overview of the content of publications. In no way are they intended to present the whole background, methodological considerations, or findings found therein. The list presented in this document is intended to be as inclusive as possible, and no value judgments have been made on the validity of the findings or rigour of the studies.
  • International Baccalaureate,
  • Research,
  • Bibliography,
  • IB
Publication Date
January, 2016
Citation Information
Dabrowski, A. (2016). Research related to the International Baccalaureate: An annotated bibliography of 2015 studies. International Baccalaureate Organization.