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Community Food Security and National Educators.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2003)
  • Anne Bellows, Syracuse University
  • Michael W. Hamm

Nutrition educators research, teach, and conduct outreach within the field of community food security (CFS), yet no clear consensus exists concerning what the field encompasses. Nutrition education needs to be integrated into the CFS movement for the fundamental reason that optimal health, well-being, and sustainability are at the core of both nutrition education and CFS. Establishing commonalities at the intersection of academic research, public policy development, and distinctive nongovernmental organizations expands opportunities for professional participation. Entry points for nutrition educators' participation are provided, including efforts dedicated to education, research, policy, programs and projects, and human rights.

  • community food security; nutrition education; food systems; policy
Publication Date
Citation Information
Anne Bellows and Michael W. Hamm. "Community Food Security and National Educators." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Vol. 35 Iss. 1 (2003)
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