The Post Master's Certificate Program in Early Education Research, Policy, and Practice
Office of Community Partnerships Posters
Document Type
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The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has selected the University of Massachusetts Boston to lead this innovative initiative. The development of a Post Master’s Certificate Program in Early Education Research, Policy, and Practice will build much-needed capacity for advanced graduate study in early education in Massachusetts. This model program is designed to address the demand for new leadership in the rapidly advancing field of early education and care.
Community Engaged/Serving
No, this is not community-engaged.
Citation Information
Anne Douglass, Mary Lu Love, Lynne Mendes, Angi Stone-MacDonald, et al.. "The Post Master's Certificate Program in Early Education Research, Policy, and Practice" (2013) Available at:
Presented as part of the poster showcase at the Office of Community Partnerships' Community-Engaged Partnerships Symposium on April 10, 2013 at UMass Boston.