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EcMRI Degree of Suspicion Determines Need for Biopsy in Patients with a PSA>10
Department of Surgery
  • Angelo A. Baccala, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Ardeshir R Rastinehad
  • Paul H Chung
  • Jochen Kruecker
  • Sheng Xu
  • Julia K Locklin
  • Stacey P Gates
  • Heinric Williams
  • Baris I Turkbey
  • Joanna H Shih
  • W Marston Linehan
  • Neil D Glossop
  • Peter L Choyke
  • Bradford J Wood
  • Peter A Pinto
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Rastinehad, A. R., Baccala, A. A., Chung, P. H., Kruecker, J., Xu, S., Locklin, J. K., Gates, S. P., Williams, H., Turkbey, B. I., Shih, J., Linehan, W. M., Glossop, N. D., Choyke, P. L., Wood, B. J., Pinto, P. (2010). EcMRI Degree of Suspicion Determines Need for Biopsy in Patients with a PSA>10. Presented at: The Third International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging of Prostate and Kidney Cancer, Washington, DC.