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Snapshot: The Impact of Giving Together
Public Administration Faculty Publications
  • Angela M. Eikenberry, University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Jessica Bearman, Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
  • Hao Han, Indiana University
  • Melissa Brown, Indiana University
  • Courtney Jensen, University of Nebraska at Omaha
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Donors in giving circles give more, give more strategically, and are more engaged in their communities, according to a new study by Dr. Angela Eikenberry and Jessica Bearman with research assistance from Melissa Brown, Hao Han, and Courtney Jensen. ever since giving circles—groups of individual donors who pool their money and other resources and decide together where these should be distributed—emerged as a philanthropic trend, we have speculated about their impact. Do donors give more or give differently because they are involved in a giving circle? Do they become more engaged and active in their communities? Are they more politically active? Until now, the evidence of giving circles’ impact on donors was mainly qualitative. Now, this new study examines, in a more comprehensive and quantitative manner, the impact of giving circles on their members’ giving and civic engagement.1

Citation Information
Angela M. Eikenberry, Jessica Bearman, Hao Han, Melissa Brown, et al.. "Snapshot: The Impact of Giving Together" (2009)
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