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Personal and Interpersonal Level Predictors of Academic Resiliency, Academic Self-efficacy, Academic Integration, and Institutional Commitment of Female College Students.
2019 Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit (2019)
  • Angela Ekwonye, St. Catherine University
Background: The search for attributes associated with college students’ success has spurred a great deal of empirical research in recent years. Researchers in the educational setting have mostly focused on understanding factors predicting college students’ mental and physical health,
but little attention has been paid to some of the critical factors that may be responsible for learning and academic success.
Objective: This study tested if relationships exist among intrapersonal and interpersonal factors and academic success factors.
Methods: A sample of 372 college women completed the Mapworks survey containing institution-specific questions and spirituality items. Pearson correlation was used to examine the bivariate relationships between the variables. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was conducted to determine if relationships exist among the predictor variables (spirituality, peer connections, social integration) and the criterion variables (academic resiliency, academic self-efficacy, academic integration, institutional commitment).
Results: Results of the bivariate correlation indicate that peer connections and social integration were both significantly correlated with academic resiliency, but not significantly associated with academic self-efficacy, academic integration, and institutional commitment. Spirituality was significantly associated with academic resiliency and academic self-efficacy, but not related to academic integration and institutional commitment. Results of the canonical correlation analysis showed that academic resiliency was the only contributor to the synthetic criterion variable and this conclusion was supported by the squared structure coefficient. The contributions of academic self-efficacy, academic integration and institutional commitment to the synthetic criterion variable were very negligible. Social integration and peer connections were the primary contributors to the predictor synthetic variable, with a secondary contribution by spirituality. Social integration, peer connections, and spirituality were all positively related to academic resiliency. Although results indicate that interpersonal level factors have more influence on academic resiliency than intrapersonal factor, multifaceted connections can help students build both personal and academic resilience leading to better academic performance and success.
Conclusions: Simultaneously addressing the social and spiritual well-being of female college students are crucial to promoting their academic and personal success.
Publication Date
Spring March, 2019
Arlington, VA
Citation Information
Angela Ekwonye. "Personal and Interpersonal Level Predictors of Academic Resiliency, Academic Self-efficacy, Academic Integration, and Institutional Commitment of Female College Students." 2019 Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit (2019)
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