The Process of Master’s Education in Nursing: Evolution or Revolution?
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
In this qualitative, descriptive study, the process of achieving change in knowledge and attitudes through Master’s education in nursing is examined. Twenty-two recent graduates from three Ontario universities participated in semi-structured, taped interviews. Participants recounted personal and professional changes they attributed to completing a Master’s program in Nursing and their experience of the process of change. After responding to questions about differences they perceived in themselves, participants reviewed Mezirow’s (1991; 1994) 11 stages of perspective transformation and discussed whether these phases resonated for them. Some felt that the stages described their experience accurately; others reported their experience of the process was not as dramatic as Mezirow’s description implied. Several who had taken degree completion baccalaureate programs perceived their baccalaureate experience to be more congruent with Mezirow’s transformation process than the change process in their Master’s program. At the Master’s level, the majority felt the changes were evolutionary, not revolutionary. Most reported that rather than undergoing a perspective transformation, they were building on values and attitudes from the baccalaureate level. This study contributes to understanding the processes of change experienced by students in graduate education in nursing.
- graduate education; nursing graduate education; perspective transformation; Mezirow
Publication Date
January, 2007
Citation Information
C.E. (Betty) Cragg and Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn. "The Process of Master’s Education in Nursing: Evolution or Revolution?" International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Vol. 2 Iss. 1 (2007) Available at: