The Trajectory of Change for Children and Youth in Residential Treatment
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
This study examined the symptom response trajectories for 225 children and youth throughout a period of residential treatment. With the 10-item Conners' Global Index (CGI) as the primary outcome measure, assessments were completed on a bi-weekly basis during the average 4 month stay within the youth's residential treatment. Clients demonstrated an ongoing reduction of symptoms, and the severity of baseline symptoms influenced the trajectory of the symptom reduction. In addition, symptom reduction was characterized as logarithmic, particularly when controlling for the baseline severity of symptoms. Implications of these findings for administrators, practitioners, and researchers of residential treatment are discussed.
- Adolescent,
- Antipsychotic Agents,
- Child,
- Cognition Disorders,
- Length of Stay,
- Psychiatric Status Rating Scales,
- Psychotic Disorders,
- Questionnaires,
- Residential Treatment,
- Severity of Illness Index,
- Substance-Related Disorders,
- Time Factors,
- Treatment Outcome
Publication Date
February, 2011
Citation Information
J. W. Noftle, Steven Cook, Alan W. Leschied, Jeff St. Pierre, et al.. "The Trajectory of Change for Children and Youth in Residential Treatment" Child Psychiatry and Human Development Vol. 42 Iss. 1 (2011) Available at: