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Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, 2d
  • Andrew F. Popper, American University Washington College of Law
Publication Date

Bordering on Madness is a novel about a battle between a university and a community over proposed construction of a new campus facility. As the land use fight ripens, the homeowners and university become combatants. The opposition becomes the enemy, depersonalized and reprehensible.

From a teaching perspective, the novel allows for discussion of conventional and unconventional land use strategies as well as the development of a number of issues: When does one person have the right to control the lawful use of property owned by another? When does aggressive advocacy become unethical, unacceptable misconduct? What is the role of government when it comes to disputes between those opposed to development and those seeking approval of a proposed project? What are the best ways to handle the anger and frustration of individuals threatened by what they perceive as destructive change?

Carolina Academic Press
Citation Information
Popper, Andrew F. Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale. 2nd ed. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2008.