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Unpublished Paper
Multi-Conditional Learning: Generative/Discriminative Training for Clustering and Classification
  • Andrew McCallum, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Chris Pal
  • Greg Druck
  • Xuerui Wang
This paper presents multi-conditional learning MCL), a training criterion based on a product of multiple conditional likelihoods. When combining the traditional conditional probability of "label given input" with a generative probability of "input given label" the later acts as a surprisingly effective regularizer. When applied to models with latent variables, MCL combines the structure-discovery capabilities of generative topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation and the exponential family harmonium, with the accuracy and robustness of discriminative classifiers, such as logistic regression and conditional random fields. We present results on several standard text data sets showing significant reductions in classification error due to MCL regularization, and substantial gains in precision and recall due to the latent structure discovered under MCL.
Publication Date
This is the pre-published version harvested from CIIR.
Citation Information
Andrew McCallum, Chris Pal, Greg Druck and Xuerui Wang. "Multi-Conditional Learning: Generative/Discriminative Training for Clustering and Classification" (2006)
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