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Refactoring Tools: Fitness for Purpose
IEEE software
  • Emerson Murphy-Hill, Portland State University
  • Andrew P. Black, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Computer software -- Development,
  • Software refactoring

Refactoring tools can improve the speed and accuracy with which we create and maintain software -- but only if they are used. In practice, tools are not used as much as they could be: this seems to be because sometimes they do not align with the refactoring tactic preferred by the majority of programmers, a tactic we call floss refactoring. We propose five principles that characterize successful floss refactoring tools -- principles that can help programmers to choose the most appropriate refactoring tools and also help toolsmiths to design tools that fit the programmer's purpose.


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Published version available at DOI: 10.1109/MS.2008.123

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Citation Information
Emerson Murphy-Hill and Andrew P. Black. "Refactoring Tools: Fitness for Purpose" IEEE software (2008)
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