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They Shall Run and Not Be Weary and They Shall Walk and Not Faint: 50 Years of the ORU Field Test
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education (2023)
  • Lora Conte, Oral Roberts University
  • Anthony Domeck, Oral Roberts University
  • Todd Farmer, Oral Roberts University
  • Bill Gordon, Oral Roberts University
  • Fritz G Huber, Oral Roberts University
  • Scarlet R. Jost, Oral Roberts University
  • Andrew SID Lang, Oral Roberts University
  • Nancy V Mankin, Oral Roberts University
  • Terry V Shannon, Oral Roberts University
  • Glenn E Smith, Oral Roberts University
  • Angela Watson, Oral Roberts University
A history of the development and changes of ORU’s field test over the last 50 years is presented followed by previously unpublished percentile values for N=14,076 recent prepandemic (2017–2019) field-test times for the distances for 1-mile, 1.5-mile, and 2-mile field tests for college students aged 18.9 years (N=2,198; 58.3% female), 19.1 years (N=1,574; 58.0% female), and 20.5 years (N=10,304; 57.3% female) respectively. The aim of this study is to establish an updated set of standard field test times that can serve as a valuable benchmark for assessing the cardio-vascular fitness levels of college students.
  • field test,
  • aerobics program,
  • physical fitness,
  • physical education,
  • fitness,
  • walk,
  • run,
  • data,
  • college students,
  • assessment
Publication Date
June 15, 2023
Citation Information
Lora Conte, Anthony Domeck, Todd Farmer, Bill Gordon, et al.. "They Shall Run and Not Be Weary and They Shall Walk and Not Faint: 50 Years of the ORU Field Test" Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education Vol. 13 Iss. 1 (2023) p. 31 - 46 ISSN: 1559-8624
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