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Contribution to Book
Fixing the SIC: Preventing and Managing Self-Inficted Crises
  • Andrew S. Pyle, Clemson University
Document Type
Book Contribution
Publication Date
IGI Global

Social media platforms provide channels for both individuals and organizations to engage with global audiences. A successful social media message can reach millions and shape the way the public views a particular person, group, or cause. As organizations become more engaged with the public through social media platforms, a new area of organizational risk has also developed. It is possible for an organization to create a self-inflicted crisis through the unintentional transmission of a poorly worded or ill-conceived social media message. This type of self-induced crisis event creates organizational conflict that must be managed quickly. This chapter explores three cases of organizational conflict resulting from self-inflicted crisis events. All three events caused major conversations to erupt on social media platforms. The author examines the social media-based communication practices of three organizations and draws lessons from both successes and failures for how organizations should respond to self-inflicted crises.

Citation Information
Pyle, A. S. (2019). Fixing the SIC: Preventing and Managing Self-Inflicted Crises. In A. Normore, M. Javidi, & L. Long (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Communication, Leadership, and Conflict Management in Modern Organizations (pp. 1-16). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8516-9.ch001