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About Andrew Kersten

Dr. Andrew Kersten is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He has been at UMSL since 2018. Previously, he was dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of Idaho. Additionally, he was a faculty member, department chair, and associate provost at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. As a faculty member, he taught courses in U.S. History as well as in the interdisciplinary program, Democracy and Justice Studies. He researches and writes about American history since the Reconstruction.

His books include an investigation of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Fair Employment Practice Committee (Race, Jobs, and the War, 2000), a history of the American Federation of Labor during World War II (Labor’s Home Front, 2006), a biography of labor and civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph (A Life in the Vanguard, 2006), and a biography of the famous defense lawyer, Clarence Darrow (Clarence Darrow: American Iconoclast, Hill and Wang, 2011). His other professional passions include public history, interdisciplinarity, international education, inclusive excellence, and innovative curricula.


Present Dean, University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences


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