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High-Stakes Assessments and English Language Learners
The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
  • Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D., Molloy College
  • Vicky Giouroukakis, Ph.D., Molloy College
Document Type
Article: On-Campus Access Only
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Publisher's PDF


n this position paper, the authors argue that high-stakes, standardized assessments place an enormous challenge both on learners for whom English is a Second Language and their teachers. Yet, based on a thorough review of the literature and their own recent research on standardized test preparation practices for English Language Learners, they also claim that employing culturally and linguistically responsive instructional strategies may lessen the stress associated with test-driven instruction and improve student learning outcomes as well

Citation Information
Andrea Honigsfeld and Vicky Giouroukakis. "High-Stakes Assessments and English Language Learners" The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin Vol. 77 Iss. 4 (2011)
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