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Mapping of Defects in Individual Silicon Nanocrystals Using Real- Space Spectroscopy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
  • Dmitry A. Kislitsyn, University of Oregon
  • Vancho Kocevski, Uppsala University
  • Jon M. Mills, University of Oregon
  • Sheng-Kuei Chiu, Portland State University
  • Christian F. Gervasi, University of Oregon
  • Benjamen N. Taber, University of Oregon
  • Ariel E. Rosenfield, University of Oregon
  • Olle Eriksson, Uppsala University
  • Ján Rusz, Uppsala University
  • Andrea Mitchell Goforth, Portland State University
  • George V. Nazin, University of Oregon
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Scanning tunneling microscopy,
  • Nanosilicon,
  • Nanocrystals,
  • Electronic structure

The photophysical properties of silicon semiconductor nanocrystals (SiNCs) are extremely sensitive to the presence of surface chemical defects, many of which are easily produced by oxidation under ambient conditions. The diversity of chemical structures of such defects and the lack of tools capable of probing individual defects continue to impede understanding of the roles of these defects in SiNC photophysics. We use scanning tunneling spectroscopy to study the impact of surface defects on the electronic structures of hydrogen-passivated SiNCs supported on the Au(111) surface. Spatial maps of the local electronic density of states (LDOS) produced by our measurements allowed us to identify locally enhanced defect-induced states as well as quantum-confined states delocalized throughout the SiNC volume. We use theoretical calculations to show that the LDOS spectra associated with the observed defects are attributable to Si–O–Si bridged oxygen or Si–OH surface defects.


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Originally published in the The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters and can be found online at:

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Citation Information
Kislitsyn, D. A.; Kocevski, V.; Mills, J. M.; Chiu, S.; Gervasi, C. F.; Taber, B. N.; Rosenfield, A. E.; Eriksson, O.; Rusz, J.; Goforth, A. M.; Nazin, G. V. Mapping of Defects in Individual Silicon Nanocrystals Using Real-Space Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7 (6), 1047–1054.