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About Anderson Nascimento

I am currently an assistant professor with the  Institute of Technology of the University of Washington - Tacoma, and an adjunct professor with the department of Electrical Engineering - University  of Brasilia. Previously, I was a researcher with the NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories (headed by Tatsuaki Okamoto), in Japan. I have obtained my Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2004 in Information and Communication Engineering with a thesis in cryptology. My supervisor was professorHideki Imai. I research in cryptology, information theory and information security. I have worked in a broad range of topics in cryptography, including: secure two-party and multi-party computations; oblivious transfer; bit commitment; quantum information theory; provable security and code-based cryptography. My current research interests are privacy issues in big data, social networks and geographical information system. I have published over 70 technical papers in conference proceedings and journals. My research has been funded by the Brazilian Army, the Ministry of Health in Brazil, Dell Computers, the Bank of Brazil, the European Union, The Royal Society, Intel Corp, the Brazilian National Council for Research and Development and the Brazilian Intelligence Agency. I am an associate editor of the IET Information Security Journal. My Erdös number is 3 and my email address is: andclay at gmail dot com. Take a look at my Google Scholar Profile here and my Microsoft Academic profile here


Present Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma Institute of Technology
Present Research Associate, University of Washington Tacoma Center for Data Science

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Articles (25)

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