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Universally Composable and Statistically Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Pre-Distributed Data
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
  • Rafael Dowsley
  • Jörn MüLler-Quade
  • Akira Otsuka
  • Goichiro Hanaoka
  • Hideki Imai
  • Anderson C.A. Nascimento, University of Washington Tacoma
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This paper presents a non-interactive veriable secret shar- ing scheme (VSS) tolerating a dishonest majority based on data pre- distributed by a trusted authority. As an application of this VSS scheme we present very ecient unconditionally secure multiparty protocols based on pre-distributed data which generalize two-party computations based on linear pre-distributed bit commitments. The main results of this pa- per are a non-interactive VSS where the amount of data which needs to be pre-distributed to each player depends on the number of tolerable cheaters only, a simplied multiplication protocol for shared values based on pre-distributed random products, and non-interactive zero knowledge proofs for arbitrary polynomial relations. The security of the schemes are proved using the UC framework.

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Citation Information
Rafael Dowsley, Jörn MüLler-Quade, Akira Otsuka, Goichiro Hanaoka, et al.. "Universally Composable and Statistically Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Pre-Distributed Data" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences Vol. E94-A Iss. 2 (2011) p. 725 - 734
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