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Contribution to Book
Oblivious Transfer Based on the McEliece Assumptions
Information Theoretic Security
  • Rafael Dowsley
  • Jeroen van Graaf
  • Jörn Müller-Quade
  • Anderson C. Nascimento, University of Washington Tacoma
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter

We implement one-out-of-two bit oblivious transfer (OT) based on the assumptions used in the McEliece cryptosystem: the hardness of decoding random binary linear codes, and the difficulty of distinguishing a permuted generating matrix of Goppa codes from a random matrix. To our knowledge this is the first OT reduction to these problems only.

Citation Information
Dowsley, R., Graaf, J. van de, Müller-Quade, J., & Nascimento, A. C. A. (2008). Oblivious Transfer Based on the McEliece Assumptions. In R. Safavi-Naini (Ed.), Information Theoretic Security (pp. 107-117). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.