Real Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach
2019 Cohort
Together, the authors have edited Anabel Quan-Haase’s previously written textbook Real Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach, a textbook used in the first year course Introduction to Sociology, to implement more Indigenous content into each chapter. Our motive with modifying the content in this textbook is to give first-year or new students a chance to learn about Canada’s history. Ideally, implementing such content into this textbook will make future students not only aware of what their fellow brothers and sisters have endured, but how they continue to suffer. We can not change the past, but we can shape the future. Young scholars are the future and they have the strength in their voices to influence change in society.
Publication Date
- Sociology,
- Canada,
- Canadian history,
- Indigenous studies
Citation Information
Kristin Longdo and Anabel Quan-Haase. "Real Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach" (2019) Available at: