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Academic Libraries and Non-Academic Departments: A Survey and Case Studies on Liaising Outside the Box
Collaborative Librarianship (2017)
  • Amy Wainwright, John Carroll University
  • Chris Davidson, Northwestern University
Partnering with non-academic departments allows academic libraries to create new programming ideas and reach more students. According to the results of a national survey, academic librarians at institutions of all sizes are partnering with many different types of non-academic departments. These partnerships offer efficiencies through shared cost and staffing and offer additional benefits to all groups involved. This article identifies the non-academic departments that these libraries are partnering with, highlights potential events to raise awareness of services, and describes ways in which these partnerships help engage with students.
  • collaboration,
  • partnerships,
  • campus partners,
  • liaisons,
  • academic support services,
  • outreach,
  • academic libraries
Publication Date
Summer July 11, 2017
Citation Information
Wainwright, Amy and Davidson, Chris (2017) "Academic Libraries and Non-Academic Departments: A Survey and Case Studies on Liaising Outside the Box," Collaborative Librarianship: Vol. 9 : Iss. 2 , Article 9.