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Charting a Path Forward in Student Success
Reference Services Review (2019)
  • Lynn Deekin, Seattle University
  • Amy Vecchione, Boise State University
  • Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos
  • Shelby Hallman, North Carolina State University
  • Lara Herzellah, North Carolina State University
  • Natalia Lopez, North Carolina State University
Purpose - This paper aims to demonstrate the variety of ways institutions and their libraries approach student success both conceptionally and operationally.

Design/methodology/approach - Librarians from eight different institutions of higher education were given a series of questions about student success on their campuses and in their libraries. They responded with written essays describing their experiences and perspectives.

Findings - The contributed pieces in this second installment are collected together and a variety of ways the academic library engage with “student success” are discussed. Initiatives include high-impact practices, fostering academic rapport and creating a sense of belonging, experiential learning and creative spaces and professional development.

Originality/value - These examples help to observe what is happening throughout higher education and see potential paths forward at the institutions engaged in this work.
  • strategic planning,
  • academic libraries,
  • student success,
  • higher education,
  • educational achievement,
  • student persistence
Publication Date
November 11, 2019
Publisher Statement
For a complete list of authors please see the article.
Citation Information
Deeken, Lynn; Vecchione, Amy; Carr, Allison; Hallman, Shelby; Herzellah, Lara; Lopez, Natalia;...Pajewski, Amy. (2019) Charting a Path Forward in Student Success. Reference Services Review, 47(4), 503-523.