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Encouraging a Diverse Maker Culture
The Makerspace Librarian's Sourcebook
  • Amy Vecchione, Boise State University
  • Deana Brown, Boise State University
  • Gregory Brasier, Boise State University
  • Ann Delaney, Boise State University
Document Type
Contribution to Books
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What Does It Mean to Have a Diverse Maker Culture?

Libraries have a long tradition of making accessible that which is not accessible. We are now shifting from a single focus on content consumption to a model that includes content creation. Makerspaces are known for providing access to current and emerging technology. Indeed, many of us believe that equipment is the hallmark of makerspaces, which "typically provide access to materials, tools, and technologies to allow for hands-on exploration and participatory learning" (Fisher, 2012). But to succeed, makerspaces must balance equipment and culture.

Citation Information
Vecchione, Amy; Brown, Deana; Brasier, Gregory; and Delaney, Ann. (2017). "Encouraging a Diverse Maker Culture". In E. Kroski (Ed.), The Makerspace Librarian's Sourcebook (pp. 51-71). American Library Association.