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Makerspace Culture and Its Impact on Learning
Makerspaces in Practice: Successful Models for Implementation
  • Amy Vecchione, Boise State University
Document Type
Contribution to Books
Publication Date

"Makerspaces are about community. We need to ensure everyone from the community can participate."

—Participant in a Drexel ethnography about makerspaces

Many library workers want to discuss and reflect on makerspaces. A common issue present since makerspaces in libraries first began revolves around what types of equipment a library makerspace should have. This question often comes up as "What should I buy?" or "What equipment do I need?" or "What should I buy to make my makerspace successful?" Individual library workers who are starting to incorporate makerspaces into their libraries or who are trying to deepen, develop, and reinvigorate their makerspaces want to know what is expected, and this is a valid concern. Which pieces of technology each library's user groups will need depends solely on the community they serve. The answer doesn't involve which one thing you can buy or which piece of technology will help their user base the most. The most important aspect of your makerspace is the community that you create, and the most important resource in a makerspace is the community in that space, along with the employees, volunteers, and users that use it, and how they communicate and collaborate in that space.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in Makerspaces in Practice: Successful Models for Implementation and is reproduced here with permission by ALA Editions:

Vecchione, Amy. “Makerspace Culture and Its Impact on Learning.” In Makerspaces in Practice, edited by Ellyssa Kroski, 53-61. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2020.

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Citation Information
Amy Vecchione. "Makerspace Culture and Its Impact on Learning" Makerspaces in Practice: Successful Models for Implementation (2020)
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