Reading and Reading Readiness Instruction: A Comparison of All-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Practices
This study surveyed all-day and half-day Ohio kindergarten teachers regarding their reading or reading readiness instructional practices. First grade teachers in the same schools assessed the preparation and experiences of their incoming students. A Chi Square analysis comparing all-day and half-day programs revealed more areas of similarity than difference. However, half-day programs placed more emphasis on basal reader materials and less emphasis on building background experiences than their all-day counterparts. First grade teachers reported a few skill and experience advantages for students who attended all-day kindergarten. The all-day kindergarten programs did not seem more likely than half-day programs to use methods and materials designed for older students and, in some ways, all-day kindergarten programs appeared to teach reading or readiness in a manner more appropriate for young children.
Publication Date
April, 1986
Citation Information
Amy R. Hoffman and Susan J. Daniels. "Reading and Reading Readiness Instruction: A Comparison of All-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Practices" (1986) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/amy_hoffman/14/