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The Relationship Between Perceived Computer Competence and the Employment Outcomes of Transition-Aged Youths with Visual Impairments
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (2013)
  • Li Zhou, Mississippi State University
  • Derrick W. Smith, University of Alabama, Huntsville
  • Amy T. Parker, Western Oregon University
  • Nora Griffin-Shirley, Texas Tech University
Introduction: The study reported here explored the relationship between the self-perceived computer competence and employment outcomes of transition-aged youths with visual impairments. 

Methods: Data on 200 in-school youths and 190 out-of-school youths with a primary disability of visual impairment were retrieved from the database of the first three waves (2001– 05) of the National Longitudinal Transition Study–2. The relationship between the youths’ self-perceived computer competence and having paid jobs was examined using binomial logistic regression, with other variables (gender, severity of vision loss, and multiple disability status) held constant. 

Results: For both the in-school and out-of-school youths, those with a high self-perceived computer competence were significantly more likely to have paid jobs than were those with a low self-perceived computer competence when gender, severity of vision loss, and multiple disability status were held constant. Moreover, for the in-school youths, those with multiple disabilities were significantly less likely to have paid jobs than were those with only vision loss when the other variables were held constant. 

Discussion: The findings indicate the importance of computer competence for youths with visual impairments to achieve successful transitions. 

Implications for practitioners: Computer training should be a key component of the vocational preparation of transition-aged youths with visual impairments. In addition, special attention should be given to youths with multiple impairments to help them catch up in both computer use and employment. 
Publication Date
January, 2013
Publisher Statement
©2013 AFB, All Rights Reserved
Citation Information
Zhou, L., Smith, D. W., Parker, A. T., & Griffin-Shirley, N. (2013). The Relationship Between Perceived Computer Competence and the Employment Outcomes of Transition-aged Youths with Visual Impairments. Journal Of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 107(1), 43-53.