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“Classbook Sense”: Genre and Girls’ School Yearbooks in the Early-Twentieth-Century American High School
  • Amy J. Lueck, Santa Clara University
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National Council of Teachers of English

In the spring of 1908, the students of Louisville Girls High School (LGHS) in Louisville, Kentucky, inaugurated their first school annual, a special edition of the school’s quarterly literary journal dedicated to the senior class. The object of this volume, as delineated in the preface, was “to collect into a narrow compass, and to arrange in a form convenient for reference, and consultation, a choice selection of the remarkable utterances, and pictured thoughts of the great among all classes, but chiefly of the great Seniors among the class of nineteen hundred and eight” (LGHS, Record 2). That is, a primary purpose of this annual was to compose a shared repository of memories for reference, particularly in the face of an implicitly wide range of student experiences.


Copyright © 2017 by the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved

Citation Information
Lueck, A. J. (2017). “Classbook Sense”: Genre and Girls’ School Yearbooks in the Early-TwentiethCentury American High School. College English, 79(4), 381–406.