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About Amy S. Gottlieb MD

Chief Faculty Development Officer, Baystate Health
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
University of Massachusetts Medical School - Baystate Health


2015 - Present MD, FACP Chief Faculty Development Officer, Baystate Health

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Hospital-based Faculty Excellence-in-Teaching Award, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital • Department-wide award for undergraduate medical education
  • The Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University • University-wide award for undergraduate medical education
  • Top Hospital-based Faculty Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital • Department-wide award for undergraduate medical education
  • Full-time Faculty Excellence-in-Teaching Pin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital • Department-wide award for undergraduate medical education
  • Full-time Faculty Excellence-in-Teaching Award, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital • Department-wide award for resident medical education
  • Top Full-time Faculty Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital • Department-wide award for resident medical education
  • Hoffman Award for Best Primary Care Research Proposal, Division of General Internal Medicine, Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital
  • Professional Service
  • Fellow, American College of Physicians
  • Patient Safety Innovation Quality Award, Women and Infants Hospital • Hospital-wide award for intimate partner violence screening initiative
  • Woman of Excellence Award, Woman’s Center of Rhode Island • State-wide award for advocacy related to intimate partner violence with citations from Mayor, RI Attorney General, and U.S. Congressional representatives
  • Association of American Medical Colleges’ Early-Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Santa Fe, New Mexico • Selected by Brown University to participate
  • Women’s Health Leadership Award, Women’s Center of Rhode Island • City-wide award for women’s health advocacy

Contact Information

Academic Affairs - Baystate Health
280 Chestnut Street - 3rd Floor
Springfield, MA 01199


Books (1)

Baystate Affiliated Publications (peer-reviewed) (10)

Other Publications (peer-reviewed) (12)

Other Publications (non-peer-reviewed) (5)