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Unpublished Paper
outcome, early Intervention & DUP: the matrix of research in early psychosis
Technical report Proposal, Annual Meeting of American psychiatric Association,2010 (2010)
  • Amresh Srivastava, University of Western Ontario
  • Megan Johnston

There has been little investigation of the relationship of DUP to other long-term outcomes such as negative symptoms and cognitive functioning neither have the possible confounds of DUP been widely investigated or controlled. It is important that there should be more thorough investigations of DUP, its correlates, and the extent to which it does mediate any advantages of earlier intervention. Shorter duration of untreated psychosis was associated with greater response to antipsychotic treatment, as measured by severity of global psychopathology, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and functional outcomes. At the time of treatment initiation, duration of initially untreated psychosis was associated with the severity of negative symptoms but not with the severity of positive symptoms, general psychopathology, or neurocognitive function. Duration of untreated psychosis may be a potentially modifiable prognostic factor. Understanding the mechanism by which duration of untreated psychosis influences prognosis may lead to better understanding of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and to improved treatment strategies. The research is entirely of a nature of correlation and, therefore, firm conclusions regarding causation are not possible. There is, however, substantial evidence of DUP being an independent predictor of treatment outcome, particularly remission of positive symptoms, over the first year or so of treatment. It is therefore hard to generalize the finding. In a given study which shows good statistical correlation between short DUP and good outcome the data needs to be interpreted as ‘other things being equal’ shorter DUP leads to better outcome

Outcome of psychosis is mutifactorial and depends on large number of factors of nature and quality of treatment leave alone heterogeneity of psychosis .

There has been over emphasis on expectations from DUP projecting it as independent indicator.

The present report highlights need for paradigm shift in DUP research, its implications and consequences. It cautions risk on overvalued research from clinical perspectives

  • DUP,
  • Early psychosis,
  • schizophrenia
Publication Date
May 21, 2010
Citation Information
Amresh Srivastava and Megan Johnston. "outcome, early Intervention & DUP: the matrix of research in early psychosis" Technical report Proposal, Annual Meeting of American psychiatric Association,2010 (2010)
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