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Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention
Shrivastava A, Johnston M, Bureau Y. Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention. Mens Sana Monogr 2012; 10: 85-97. (2012)
  • Amresh Srivastava, University of Western Ontario

Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention Amresh Shrivastava*, Megan Johnston**, Yves Bureau*** ABSTRACT The consequences of stigma are preventable. We argue that individual attention should be provided to patients when dealing with stigma. Also, in order to deal with the impact of stigma on an individual basis, it needs to be assessed during routine clinical examinations, quantified and followed up to observe whether or not treatment can reduce its impact. A patient-centric anti-stigma programme that delivers the above is urgently needed. To this end, this review explores the experiences, treatment barriers and consequences due to stigma. We also offer putative solutions to this problem. Key Words: Barriers; Compliance; Intervention; Psychosis; Schizophrenia; Stigma; Treatment

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Citation Information
Amresh Srivastava. "Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention" Shrivastava A, Johnston M, Bureau Y. Stigma of Mental Illness-2: Non-compliance and Intervention. Mens Sana Monogr 2012; 10: 85-97. (2012)
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