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"Straighten Up and Fly Right": HeteroMasculinity in The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963
Children's Literature Association Quarterly (2011)
  • Amina Chaudhri, Northeastern Illinois University
According to scholars, hegemonic masculinity involves physical and emotional domination, homophobia, and repeated assertions of superiority in all aspects of life. Kimmel's work underscores a paradox: white masculinity must be constantly reconstructed in order to maintain the illusion of naturalness, yet in the process of seeking and securing power, men still feel powerless (135). [...] it becomes necessary to exclude and "other" women, youth, homosexuals, nonwhites, etc.
  • African Americans,
  • children's literature,
  • race,
  • racism
Publication Date
Summer 2011
Citation Information
Amina Chaudhri. ""Straighten Up and Fly Right": HeteroMasculinity in The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963" Children's Literature Association Quarterly Vol. 36 Iss. 2 (2011) p. 147 - 163
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