Contribution to Book
What's Respect Got to Do With It?: A Black Woman's Experience With the Role of Respect in Academia
Navigating Micro-Aggressions Toward Women in Higher Education
In this chapter, drawing from the research of the literature and personal experience, the author intends to analyze the intersectionality of race and gender in relation to respect, as well as explore institutional barriers with regards to respect from colleagues and students in and out of the classroom. Keeping in line with the theme of this edited book, forms of microaggressions will be explored as a way of understanding the impact of discrimination and obstacles to feeling respected by colleagues and students. Suggested strategies for an accommodating environment and an academic fit for women of color will be presented.
- microaggression,
- inclusivity,
- academic fit
Publication Date
September, 2018
Ursula Thomas
IGI Global
Citation Information
Amandia Speakes-Lewis. "What's Respect Got to Do With It?: A Black Woman's Experience With the Role of Respect in Academia" Navigating Micro-Aggressions Toward Women in Higher Education (2018) p. 181 - 201 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/amandia-speakes-lewis/2/