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Get Data Ready! with GSU: Georgia State University Library's Data Literacy Skills Digital Badges Micro-Credentialing Program
Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS) (2022)
  • Amanda J. Swygart-Hobaugh, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Poster presented at the Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS). Abstract: In Spring 2022, Georgia State University Library's Research Data Services Department launched the GSU Data Ready! Badges data literacy micro-credentialing initiative: In this poster session, we presented: (1) content of our two badges tracks — data literacy foundations and software/coding training [14 separate badges]; (2) online platforms [Canvas and Badgr] used for automated badge earning and distribution; (3) assessment of program success; and (4) ways in which other institutions might develop similar initiatives. Co-Presenters: Ashley Rockwell, Halley E.M. Riley.
  • data services,
  • digital micro-credential badges
Publication Date
October 13, 2022
Citation Information
Swygart-Hobaugh, M., Riley, H.E.M., & Rockwell, A. (2022, October 13). Get Data Ready! with GSU: Georgia State University Library's data literacy skills digital badges micro-credentialing program. Presentation for the Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS).
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