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Where Have We Been, and Where Should We Be Going? An Assessment of Graduate Students' Data Needs
Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS) (2020)
  • Amanda J. Swygart-Hobaugh, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Presentation at the 2020 Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS). Abstract: There are many assumptions made about graduate students’ research data and analytical skills – sometimes correct, sometimes not. Since graduate students are the biggest users of services provided by the Georgia State University Library’s Research Data Services Team, we decided we needed data-informed answers to these questions: What really are graduate students’ data needs, and are we and faculty doing all we can to meet those needs? In this talk, we will present how the findings from a needs assessment study informed the further development of our research data services directed at graduate students and at those faculty supporting graduate students. Co-Presenters: Joel Glogowski, Kelsey Jordan, and Jeremy Walker.

Presentation slides and additional materials (accessible copy and focus group methodology and qualitative data analysis description) available in the SEDLS OSF repository. Recorded presentation available on YouTube.
Publication Date
October 8, 2020
Co-presenters names listed alphabetically (rather than hierarchically by contribution).
Citation Information
Glogowski, J., Jordan, K., Swygart-Hobaugh, M., & Walker, J. (2020, October 8). Where have we been, and where should we be going? An assessment of graduate students’ data needs. Presentation for the Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS).
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