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Diving Deep into Dissertation Data: Analyzing Graduate Students' Dissertations to Inform Research Data Services
Georgia Libraries Conference (with Southeastern Library Association) (2020)
  • Amanda J. Swygart-Hobaugh, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Poster presented at the Georgia Libraries Conference (GLC). Abstract: We present findings from a quantitative content analysis of 156 doctoral dissertations produced by Georgia State University graduate students in the 2017-2018 academic year. We discuss how our findings have informed provision by the Library's Research Data Services (RDS) Team and subject liaison librarians in the areas of instructional services, data software support and licensing advocacy, collection development, marketing/outreach, and have pointed toward areas for further development of our abilities to support graduate students. Co-Presenters: Raeda Anderson, Joel Glogowski, Denise Dimsdale.
Publication Date
October 7, 2020
Citation Information
Swygart-Hobaugh, M., Anderson, R., Dimsdale, D., & Glogowski, J. (2020, October 7). Diving deep into dissertation data: Analyzing graduate students’ dissertations to inform research data services. Virtual poster presentation for the Georgia Libraries Conference (GLC)/Southeastern Library Association (SELA).
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