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Where Have We Been and Where Should We Be Going? A Needs Assessment Study of Graduate Students' Data Needs
Georgia Libraries Conference (with Southeastern Library Association) (2020)
  • Amanda J. Swygart-Hobaugh, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Poster presented at the Georgia Libraries Conference (GLC). Abstract: There are many assumptions made about graduate students’ research data and analytical skills – sometimes correct, sometimes not. Since graduate students are the biggest users of services provided by the Georgia State University Library’s Research Data Services Team, we decided we needed data-informed answers to these questions: What really are graduate students’ data needs, and are we and faculty doing all we can to meet those needs? In this poster, we present how the findings from a needs assessment focus group study informed the further development of our research data services directed at graduate students and at those faculty supporting graduate students. Co-Presenters: Raeda Anderson, Joel Glogowski, Kelsey Jordan, Jeremy Walker.
Publication Date
October 7, 2020
Citation Information
Swygart-Hobaugh, M., Anderson, R., Glogowski, J., Jordan, K., & Walker, J. (2020, October 7). Where have we been, and where should we be going? A needs assessment study of graduate students' data needs. Virtual poster presentation for the Georgia Libraries Conference (GLC)/Southeastern Library Association (SELA).
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