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Contribution to Book
African American Families: Historical and Contemporary Forces Shaping Family Life and Studies
Sociology Faculty Publications
  • Amanda Moras, Sacred Heart University
  • Constance L. Shehan, University of Florida
  • Feliz M. Berardo, University of Florida
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

This work provides a broad analysis of sociological and historical literature on African American families. Beginning with an analysis of Black families under slavery, we trace the current diversity of African American family structures through history, elaborating on the structural oppressions that shape these experiences. The contemporary experiences of Black families are intimately connected with the historical, economic, and social conditions encountered by generations past. This work is not intended to be a definitive statement regarding the experiences of largely diverse groups of families, but instead a critical look at the structural forces that affect the lives of Black families and the systematic racism that informs public discourse about Black families and scholarship.

Citation Information

Moras, A., Shehan, C.L., & Berardo, F.M. (2018). African American families: Historical and contemporary forces shaping family life and studies. In P. Batur & J.R. Feagin (Eds.). Handbook of the sociology of racial and ethnic relations (pp. 91-107). Cham: Springer.