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GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
American Geophysical Union - Fall Meeting (2018)
  • Allison Pfeiffer, Western Washington University
  • Grace Barcheck
  • Sarah Beganskas
  • Claire C. Masteller
  • Danica L. Roth
  • Stephanie Taylor
  • Carolyn Branecky Begeman
  • Victoria Yuan
  • Daniel Killam
  • Rachel Elise Maxwell
  • Sarah M. White
  • Szilard Gyalay
  • Zachary Kaufman
  • Jennifer Lee Pensky
GEODES stands for 'Geoscientists Encouraging Openness and Diversity in the Earth Sciences'. We are a graduate-student founded and led departmental group, established in 2015 in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department at UC Santa Cruz. We promote diversity and inclusion, focusing on our own department culture. All are welcome at our events, and we aim to foster positive dialogue between department community members at all career stages. We believe that all community members contribute to create a welcoming space for underrepresented groups, and we strive to build a common fluency in issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. To build this culture, we have hosted >40 events over three years on topics ranging from impostor syndrome to elevator pitches and introductory camping skills. Event attendance regularly reaches 30-40 people, and GEODES has become an important department resource.

We present our group as a model initiative that can be easily transferred to other institutions. Our success in creating and sustaining GEODES follows these steps: 1) Identify who you serve. We choose to serve all department members: undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, researchers, faculty, and staff. 2) Open a dialogue to understand the needs of those you serve. We do this explicitly, with guided discussions during social events. 3) Identify existing resources. We invite speakers from campus diversity offices, counseling services, student groups, other departments, and more. 4) Raise funds and solicit donations. Our annual budget is $1000, donated by our department, and local restaurants and breweries donate food and drink. 5) Host regularly scheduled events with ample time for thought-provoking group discussions. 6) Regularly solicit feedback and revise your strategy to meet current and changing needs. We collect surveys after all events. 7) Celebrate the work that you and your colleagues are doing to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive geoscience community!
  • Geoscientists,
  • Diversity,
  • Higher Education,
  • Student-led initiatives
Publication Date
December, 2018
Washington, D.C.
Citation Information
Barcheck, C.G., S. Beganskas, C. Masteller, A. Pfeiffer, D. Roth, S. Taylor, C. Begeman, V. Yuan, D. Killam, R. Maxwell, S. White, S. Gyalay, Z. Kaufman, J. Pensky, E. Schnorr, A. Serrano. 2018. GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion. American Geophysical Union. Washington, DC. December.