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About Allison M. Johnson

Alli earned her BA in English and History at UC Riverside and her MA and PhD in English at UC Los Angeles. She joined SJSU in 2018. Her work focuses on 19th-century American literature and print culture.


2018 - Present Assistant Professor, San Jose State University English and Comparative Literature
2016 - 2018 Lecturer, University of California, Santa Barbara ‐ Writing Program
2013 - 2016 Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles ‐ English Department

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, American Literature Association
Present Member, Civil War Caucus
Present Member, Midwest Modern Language Association
Present Member, Modern Language Association
Present Member, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
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Honors and Awards

  • Dean’s Professional Development Grant, 2021
  • SJSU Annual Author & Artist Award, 2020
  • Dean’s Professional Development Grant, 2020
  • College of Humanities & Arts Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, 2020
  • University Faculty RSCA Assigned Time Program Award, 2020
  • SJSU Annual Author & Artist Award, 2019


  • ENG 60 The Emergence of “British” and “American” Literatures (1680 to 1860)
  • ENG 100W Writing Workshop
  • ENG 162 American Literature Before 1865
  • ENG 165 African American Print Culture, Beginnings to 1900
  • ENG 169 Ethnicity in American Literature
  • ENG 254 American Poetry, Beginnings to 1900
  • ENG 281 Big Books: Nineteenth-Century British and American Novels


2013 PhD, English, University of California, Los Angeles
2009 MA, English, University of California, Los Angeles
2006 BA, English and History, University of California, Riverside

Conferences (3)

Publications (6)

SJSU Author & Artist Celebration (3)