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State Agency Promising Practice: Working Together - Collaboration between Colorado’s Developmental Disabilities Division and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
ThinkWork! Publications
  • Allison C Hall, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston, ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Document Type
Occasional Paper
Publication Date
  • Collaboration,
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
  • I/DD,
  • Developmental Disabilities,
  • Access to Integrated Employment,
  • ThinkWork

In Colorado, counselors from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation are housed on-site in Community Centered Board1 offices so they can provide direct services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). The goal of the project was to serve 240 customers with ID/DD and provide 134 successful employment outcomes over a two-year period2. Streamlined services and enhanced communication emerged through a unique collaborative effort between the two entities.

Community Engaged/Serving
No, this is not community-engaged.
Citation Information
Allison C Hall and ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston. "State Agency Promising Practice: Working Together - Collaboration between Colorado’s Developmental Disabilities Division and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation" (2009)
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