Vocabulary and sentence structure in emergent Spanish reading
Reading Teacher
Dual language and bilingual education programs are increasing in number and popularity across the country. However, little information is available on how to teach children to read and write in Spanish. This article explores some of the similarities and differences in vocabulary and sentence structure in Spanish and English and considers the resulting implications for teaching emergent Spanish literacy. Understanding linguistic aspects of both languages enables teachers to better support the development of biliteracy and bilingualism.
- children,
- spanish language,
- study and teaching,
- bilingual education,
- sentence particles,
- hypothesis,
- cognate words
Publication Date
May, 2016
Publisher Statement
This is the Submitted Manuscript of an article that appeared in Reading Teacher, volume 69, issue 6, 2016. The Version of Record (VOR) may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1417
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Citation Information
Allison Briceño. "Vocabulary and sentence structure in emergent Spanish reading" Reading Teacher Vol. 69 Iss. 6 (2016) p. 611 - 619 ISSN: 0034-0561 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/allison-briceno/8/