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Biostatistics Course in Postmaster Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
  • Aliya Kuerban, PhD, FNP-BC, MS, MA, RN, Molloy College
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Publisher's PDF

Background: The number of doctor of nursing practice (DNP) programs in the United States has increased dramatically in the past few years. However, few studies have been done to provide a comprehensive view of program structures and curricula offered. Methods: This study explored differences in entry pathway, admission statistics skills requirement, and whether a program offered a Biostatistics course in its curriculum by investigating the websites of DNP programs listed on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) DNP directory. Results and conclusions: This study found no regional differences in these three areas: type of program offered, statistics course as a prerequisite, and whether Biostatistics is offered. Overall, more schools have started to require a graduate level statistic course in their admission requirement and more schools offered a Biostatistics course in their DNP curriculum. However, 25% of schools did not request for specific statistics skills prior to admission, nor did they incorporate a Biostatistics course in the program.

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Citation Information
Aliya Kuerban. "Biostatistics Course in Postmaster Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs" Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 7 Iss. 3 (2016)
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