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Delayed Planting and Diseases in 2019
Integrated Crop Management News
  • Alison E. Robertson, Iowa State University
  • Daren S. Mueller, Iowa State University
  • Ethan Stoetzer, Iowa State University
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This growing season, delayed planting, combined with continued cool and wet conditions have taken their toll on crops that were planted in the brief periods of optimum weather. Given that there is already delayed emergence, and the wet and cool weather patterns are expected to continue, we could very well see continued delayed growth and development of crops. This means that we can also expect reaching grain fill later in the growing season, which creates a window of opportunity for plant diseases to impact total yield. The earlier a plant disease occurs during grain fill, the more likely it is to negatively impact yield. This article will discuss the potential for higher incidence of some diseases, and how you can go about managing their impacts to the best of your abilities.

Copyright Owner
Iowa State University
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Citation Information
Alison E. Robertson, Daren S. Mueller and Ethan Stoetzer. "Delayed Planting and Diseases in 2019" (2019)
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