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About Alison L. Barton


Present Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University Department of Educational Foundations and Special Education
Present Faculty Fellow, East Tennessee State University Center for Teaching Excellence

Curriculum Vitae


2017 Teaching from the Edge: Innovative Practices for Learning
East Tennessee State University
Instructional Development Grant
Colleague(s): Reid, J., Chesley, C., Brown, P., Epps, S., & Johnson, A.
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, Alliance for Childhood
Present Member, American Educational Research Association
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Honors and Awards

  • 1993 - Outstanding Psychology Major of the Year Award, University of Kentucky
  • 1995-1996 - Department of Psychology Fellowship, Northern Illinois University
  • 1997 - American Association of Suicidology's National Award for Best Student Paper
  • 2012 - Clemmer College of Education (ETSU) Faculty Award for Technology
  • 2013-2014 - ETSU IntopForm fellowship for AY
  • 2014 - Clemmer College of Education (ETSU) Faculty Award for Teaching
  • 2014 - ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching
  • 2017 - ETSU Online Master Teacher designation


  • EDFN 6956 - Special Topics: Mindfulness in Education
  • EDFN 5200 - Advanced Educational Psychology
  • EDFN 5050 - Social and Political Influences on Schools
  • EDFN 5010 - Interdisciplinary Seminar
  • HDAL 4957/5957 - Special Topics: Research in Human Sexuality
  • HDAL 4950 - Methods of Research in Human Development and Learning
  • HDAL 4011 - Developmental Psychology II
  • EDFN3310 - Educational Psychology
  • HDAL 2310 - Developmental Psychology


December 2001 PhD, School Psychology, Northern Illinois University
December 1997 MA, Clinical Psychology, Northern Illinois University
May 1993 BA, Psychology, University of Kentucky

Contact Information

PO Box 70547
Johnson City, TN 37614

Office: Warf-Pickel 312
Phone: 423-439-7682


Refereed Publications (8)

Refereed Presentations (14)

Invited Presentations/Speeches (5)