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Dr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M. Engages with the Question: What is Your Opinion on the Ordination of Women?
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  • Margaret Farley, R.S.M., Yale Divinity School
  • Alfred Benney, Fairfield University
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What is your opinion on the Ordination of Women?

Dr. Margaret Farley discusses the exclusion of women from the priesthood. While she addresses the Church’s arguments of gender differences and the historical male apostles, she lists what she believes are the true reasons for the exclusion of women to ordination. First she describes the problem of the Church’s understanding of women as inferior, second the labeling of women as evil since the fall of Eve, and thirdly that a woman cannot represent God in the priesthood because the Catholic God has been so long identified as male. Farley then speaks on the need for ministers in the Church, and how soon this may call for the ordination of women.


Playing Time: 7:56 minutes

About the Interviewee:

Dr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M., is the Gilbert L. Stark Professor of Christian Ethics at Yale Divinity School. She has been honored with eleven honorary degrees, the John Courtney Murray Award for Excellence in Theology and is past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. She has written several books and over eighty scholarly articles including Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics.

About the Interviewer:

Dr. Alfred Benney is a professor of Religious Studies at Fairfield University. He has a Ph.D in Theology from the Hartford Seminary Foundation and teaches courses in Non-Traditional American Religions and Christian Religious Thought. His research interests include "how people learn"; "the appropriate use of technology in teaching/learning" and "myth as explanatory narrative". He has published work on teaching with technology.

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Citation Information
Margaret Farley and Alfred Benney. "Dr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M. Engages with the Question: What is Your Opinion on the Ordination of Women?" (1999)
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