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The Myth of Personal Liability: Who Pays When Bivens Claims Succeed
Stanford Law Review
  • James E. Pfander, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
  • Alexander A. Reinert, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
  • Joanna C. Schwartz, UCLA School of Law
Publication Date

In Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents, the Supreme Court held that federal law creates a right to sue federal officials for Fourth Amendment violations. For the last three decades, however, the Court has cited the threat of individual liability and the burden of government indemnification on agency budgets as twin bases for narrowing the right of victims to secure redress under Bivens. In its most recent decisions, Ziglar v. Abbasi and Hernandez v. Mesa, the Court said much to confirm that it now views personal liability less as a feature of the Bivens liability rule than as a bug. But, to date, there has been no empirical examination of who pays when Bivens claims succeed.

This Article studies the financial threat that successful Bivens claims pose to federal officers and their employing federal agency. Information supplied by the Federal Bureau of Prisons in response to a Freedom of Information Act request identified successful Bivens actions over a ten-year period; in the vast majority of cases (over 95%), individual defendants contributed no personal resources to the resolution of the claims. Nor did the responsible federal agency pay the claims through indemnification. The data suggest, in short, that recent hostility to Bivens litigation rests on a perceived threat of personal liability that is much more theoretical than real. The data also raise important questions about the adequacy of existing constitutional remedies and the manner in which the Department of Justice exercises its settlement authority under the Federal Tort Claims Act and the Judgment Fund.

Stanford Law School
Citation Information
James E. Pfander, Alexander A. Reinert and Joanna C. Schwartz. "The Myth of Personal Liability: Who Pays When Bivens Claims Succeed" Stanford Law Review Vol. 72 (2020) p. 561
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