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Contribution to Book
The Future of Economic History
  • Alexander J. Field, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

The Cliometrics revolution is dead. By this I mean that the banners under which new economic historians organized and made common cause with technically oriented theorists, econometricians, and other applied economists no longer have the ability to inspire revolutionary fervor (especially among younger recruits) within economics departments. (The situation in history departments is somewhat different, as detailed below.) The Cliometrics revolution was part of a more general struggle against a more institutional/descriptive, less technically oriented old guard. The revolution is over because that battle was won—not only by new economic historians, but also by a new generation of applied mathematicians and theoretical statisticians working in economics departments.

Chapter of
The Future of Economic History
Part of
Recent Economic Thought Series
Alexander J. Field
Citation Information
Field, Alexander J. 1987. "The Future of Economic History," in Alexander J. Field, ed., The Future of Economic History. Boston: Kluwer Nijhoff, 1987, pp. 1-41.