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Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
  • Bruno de Andrade, University College Dublin
  • Alenka Poplin, Iowa State University
  • Ítalo Sousa de Sena, Federal University of São João del-Rei
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Publication Version
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential of Minecraft’s game environment for urban planning with older and younger children in a public school in Tirol town, Brazil. Minecraft is employed as an innovative tool to tackle the present lack of engagement and involvement of key societal actors such as children and young people in urban planning. Thus, how can games support children to co-design their future city? Which heritage values do they represent graphically in the game environment? Geogames are games that provide a visualization of a real spatial context and in this study, Minecraft is the tool which we use to explore youth engagement. We designed two experiments, which tested Minecraft as a geogame environment for engaging young people in urban planning. These experiments were conducted with children, who emerged as active emancipated actors to bring their values to the planning practice. The playtesting results revealed the potential of Minecraft to keep children engaged in the design workshop, as well as their relevant ludic ability to co-create walkable, green, and interactive places. New research questions arose about the potential of creating a culture of planning among children in order to motivate other social actors to share responsibilities for sustainable development and management.


This article is published as deAndrade, B., Poplin, A., Sousa de Sena, I., Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(3); 170. Doi: 10.3390/ijgi9030170.

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Citation Information
Bruno de Andrade, Alenka Poplin and Ítalo Sousa de Sena. "Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information Vol. 9 Iss. 3 (2020) p. 170
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