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Physics for Animation Artists
The Physics Teacher (2011)
  • Alejandro Garcia, San Jose State University
  • David Chai, San Jose State University
Animation has become enormously popular in feature films, television, and video games. Art departments and film schools at universities as well as animation programs at high schools have expanded in recent years to meet the growing demands for animation artists. Professional animators identify the technological facet as the most rapidly advancing (and now indispensable) component of their industry. Art students are keenly aware of these trends and understand that their future careers require them to have a broader exposure to science than in the past. Unfortunately, at present there is little overlap between art and science in the typical high school or college curriculum. This article describes our experience in bridging this gap at San Jose State University, with the hope that readers will find ideas that can be used in their own schools.
  • animation,
  • artists
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Citation Information
Alejandro Garcia and David Chai. "Physics for Animation Artists" The Physics Teacher Vol. 48 (2011)
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